Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Homer Simpson, SNPP Safety Inspector

Mr. Burns: Hear me out Simpson! I don't want you to come back as a technical supervisor, or supervising technician, or whatever the hell you used to be. I want you to be in charge of safety here at the plant.

Homer: Safety? But sir! If truth be known, I actually caused more accidents around here than any other employee, including a few doozies no one every found out about.
--"Homer's Odyssey"
Homer ("D'OH!"), Marge, Bart, Lisa and "The Simpsons" gang set to help increase workplace safety
ORLANDO, FL, Sept. 20 /PRNewswire/ - Victor House Publications, a leader in worker safety awareness and training, unveiled a new line of workplace safety products for US and Canadian businesses today featuring Homer Simpson and the rest of Springfield's finest from FOX's hit show THE SIMPSONS in conjunction with the National Safety Council's Orlando Congress. (Read article)
See also: Victor House Publications Safety Awareness and Training Products

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